Pick Up at Place

The complex solution for integration of shipping services offering transport to picking place or address with connection to the VirtueMart.

  • joomla 5.2 & 4.4 & 3.10
  • virtuemart 4.4 & 3.8
  • component
  • plugin: pickupatplacebypv
  • plugin: vmshipment
Pick Up at Place: Component
2025-02-25 12:45

Changelog for „Pick Up at Place: Component”

Actual version

2.0.02025-02-25 12:45
Newly tested compatibility
  • Joomla! 5.2.3
  • VirtueMart 4.4.4 11101
  • PHP 8.4.3
  • Added compatiblitity with Joomla! 4.2.x - 5.2.x, VirtueMart 4.2.x - 4.4.x a PHP 7.2.x - 8.4.x.
  • Compatibility with older versions of Joomla! and VirtueMart discontinued.
  • Removed CLI script for import through CRON.

Older versions

1.10.42023-07-19 11:43
  • Fixed behavior when importing via CRON URL when hosting checks URL functionality via HTTP HEAD method.
1.10.32023-04-25 21:06
  • Internal component improvements.
1.10.22023-04-03 20:34
Newly tested compatibility
  • VirtueMart
  • PHP 8.2.4
  • Changed "error_reporting" value in the CLI script due to PHP warning in PHP 8.2.
1.10.12021-09-14 17:21
Newly tested compatibility
  • Joomla! 3.10.11
  • VirtueMart
  • PHP 7.4.33
  • Fixed textual searching for branches in checkout in such configuration where multiple place types are in one shipment at the same time.
1.10.02021-04-26 14:30
  • Added support for importing transport services of carriers (necessary support in plugins of selected carriers).
  • Changed layout and texts related to import instructions.
  • Order export data issues are now displayed as a Joomla! type "error" instead of "warning".
  • Many modifications and fixes in the functionality of the component.
1.9.02021-03-19 17:46
  • Added the function of simplified export of orders through a single URL + help directly in the export detail.
  • Added new export status "closed" for records that should be finished somehow, but we cannot or don't want to export them.
  • When the selected actions are completed during the export, a tab with relevant information will be displayed automatically.
  • Added a column with the number of orders to the list of exports.
  • Added question mark symbol to elements in the administration that have help message after hovering the cursor (affects the component and its plugins).
  • Modification of the administration interface for export (canceled a lot of confusing JS code, minor layout modifications).
  • Minor color adjustments of"closed" and "created" states in the list of export.
  • Internal modifications and enhancements in the component.
1.8.12020-06-29 22:57
  • Added option in the main configuration to ignore duplicates in place titles when importing (fixes an import issue when data from a service contains duplicate branches and editing the place title in the plugin configuration doesn't help).
  • Fixed bug when importing multiple types of places from different plugins using CRON CLI.
  • Fixed the generated file name for saving downloaded data during import (more readable timestamp and added a truly unique ID). For new imports with parameters, the data may have been overwritten between imports.
1.8.02020-06-26 17:35
  • Added support of parameters during import (including support during import in CRON through CLI and URL).
  • Added column with parameters in the list of imports.
  • Option to sort by the number of imported places in the list of imports.
  • Fixed coloring of records in the list of imports and exports in Joomla! 3.x.
  • Changes in administration interface for import (amount of confusing JS code removed, parameter support, minor layout modifications).
  • Changes in the code and improvements in the functionality of the CLI script for import (more efficient code, better validation of input parameters, ...).
  • Improved help for configuring CRON in import editing.
  • Many internal modifications and enhancements in the component.
  • Fixed initialization of plugin configuration (since PHP 7.3 there was a problem when importing multiple services at once).
1.7.12020-01-28 23:35
  • Internal changes and enhancements of component.
1.7.02019-12-21 13:57
  • New parameter in CRON script (CLI) to specify language of Joomla! when importing.
  • Internal changes and enhancements of component.
  • Fixed PHP warning in component overview.
1.6.02019-04-25 22:39
  • Added the number of imported places in the import list.
  • Added the feature to enter the name of a specific plugin to import all the place types that the plugin offers in the CLI import script instead to need to enter all specific import types.
  • Display and log eventual error while parsing JSON data during data import.
  • Improved some error messages when checking orders before export.
  • A small CSS change for places on the frontend.
  • Some internal adjustments, fixes and enhancements across the component.
  • Support for a more efficient import of location from XML (needs necessary change in service-specific plugins).
  • Added an error message when entering a non-existing record in the administration.
1.5.12018-09-13 20:54
  • Changing how JS and CSS scripts are loaded (solves a problem with conditional shipments in some OPCs).
  • Fix for prevent of submitting form in 3rd party OPC when searching a place.
1.5.02017-12-05 23:49
  • Cleaned CSS scripts.
  • If the prefix of the phone number is not known, instead of ??? the prefix doesn't fill at all when exporting orders.
  • Enhanced searching for empty fields when generating place title.
  • Fixed the check of place title format when importing.
  • Fixed some of the z-index problems when the place selection dialog is opened again.
1.4.02017-10-26 21:44
  • A new way of creating place title according to your preferences has been implemented (the title format will be editable with a new option in the configuration of a particular plugin; this option will be over time implemented in all plugins).
  • A new button for text deletion was added into the text-field when using text search in the places.
  • Fixed a missing toolbar in plugin's management in the Summary section of the component (Joomla! >= 3.8).
  • Fixed loading of language's files.
1.3.12017-09-06 18:46
  • Added a new field "Import Type ID" into the Import section (the value can be used for automatic data import).
  • Minor adjustment of design for instructions in Import and Export section.
1.3.02017-07-16 15:53
  • Added feature for data import (places) via URL.
  • A minor changes in CSS scripts.
  • Internal changes in handling of address (required for a correct behaviour of DPD plugin).
  • Fixed a problem with data import via CLI script in latest Joomla! versions.
  • Fixed a content of tooltips for order's errors when exporting.
1.2.12016-10-24 16:17
  • Fixed an issue with loading of plugin's configuration (for example, it solves a problem with import of places in service 'Zásilkovna.cz' through CRON, where it was not possible to get the API key required to obtain data from a server).
1.2.02016-10-03 22:56
  • Added support for import from JSON data.
  • Improved export of data (more detailed description messages after actions, automatic checking of order's data).
  • Changed method of loading orders to export (old exports will not be converted, but will contain a reference to the original order).
  • Minor changes in detail of place and fixed format for some of values.
  • Improved design of some component's sections in administration for Joomla 2.5.
  • Optimization storing of several data into DB.
  • Many internal changes, fixes and improvements in the code of extension.
  • Fixed several specific problems with loading of photos for places.
  • Fixed several mistakes in translations.
1.1.12016-09-02 16:05
  • Fixed saving of message in an export if a status is Created.
1.1.02016-08-18 20:18
  • Added support for exports into systems of shipping companies (a service's plugin must support this feature too - information about this can be found in description of plugins).
  • Added support for shipping to address (especially due to possible exports).
  • Many internal changes / fixes and improvment of design in administration and website.
1.0.02016-01-17 19:26
Pick Up at Place: Shipment for VirtueMart
2025-02-25 12:50

Changelog for „Pick Up at Place: Shipment for VirtueMart”

Actual version

2.0.02025-02-25 12:50
Newly tested compatibility
  • Joomla! 5.2.3
  • VirtueMart 4.4.4 11101
  • PHP 8.4.3
  • Added compatiblitity with Joomla! 4.2.x - 5.2.x, VirtueMart 4.2.x - 4.4.x a PHP 7.2.x - 8.4.x.
  • Compatibility with older versions of Joomla! and VirtueMart discontinued.

Older versions

1.6.22023-04-03 20:25
Newly tested compatibility
  • VirtueMart
  • PHP 8.2.4
  • Fixed warnings in PHP 8.x.
  • Fixed validation of entered dimension's restriction values in shipment method configuration.
1.6.12021-07-25 17:11
Newly tested compatibility
  • Joomla! 3.10.11
  • VirtueMart
  • PHP 7.4.33
  • Changed loading of delivery address when evaluating display conditions (fixes possible problems with evaluating country and zipcode conditions in certain cases).
  • The specific customer fields (currently country and zipcode) for evaluating display conditions are now taken from the plugin configuration.
1.6.02021-04-26 14:30
  • Added support for imported carrier services (necessary support in plugins of selected carriers).
  • Added question mark symbol to label elements with help in shipment configuration in the VirtueMart.
1.5.02021-03-19 17:45
  • Added a new configuration option to display buttons for simplified export in the toolbar in the list of orders in VirtueMart (Export tab in the plugin configuration).
  • Renamed the "Orders" tab to "Export" in the plugin configuration.
  • Improved loading of the VirtueMart configuration in some places in the plugin code.
1.4.42019-09-10 20:41
  • Fixed loading of country during data export in VM 3.4.5 (the bug is only in VM revisions 10035 - 10057).
1.4.32019-04-25 22:40
  • Minority fix of translation for country name during export of orders.
1.4.22018-09-26 18:32
  • Fixed a bug from version 1.4.1 that caused PHP Fatal Error in checkout in PHP < 7.1.
1.4.12018-09-13 20:54
  • Changing how JS and CSS scripts are loaded (solves a problem with conditional shipments in some OPCs).
1.4.02018-06-18 19:37
  • Added restriction conditions for product categories in an order.
  • Added restriction conditions for product dimensions in an order.
  • Minor adjustments for some of configuration fields and added basic check of correctness of entered data for easier configuration of the method.
1.3.02017-12-15 12:21
  • A new option 'Compare the minimum order amount for free shipment including coupon discount' in the configuration of shipment (only in VM3).
  • Minor adjustment of translations for some of the options in the configuration of shipment.
  • Fixed storing and displaying of information about prices and used tax in the shipment.
  • Fixed a conversion of prices according to a currency setting in the shipment (VM3).
1.2.22017-06-23 16:45
  • Fixed an error in plugin's configuration for VM >= 3.2.
1.2.12016-10-21 22:17
  • Fixed selection of multiple values in option for restriction of shipment by countries in Joomla! 3.x and VM 3.x.
1.2.02016-10-03 22:56
  • Changed descriptions for some of options.
  • Optimization storing of several data into DB.
  • Fixed missing name of place in notifications in the VM 2.6.
  • Fixed loading of prices for orders in other currencies than the default.
  • Fixed name of shipment in order detail (frontend) and in an invoice in case of shipment to address.
  • Fixed missing preview of place in order detail (frontend) on some of websites.
1.1.12016-09-02 16:05
  • Added a new configuration option (in the configuration of the plugin) for statuses of orders which you want to include in exports (IF YOU ARE USING AN EXPORT OF ORDERS IT'S NEEDED TO SET THIS OPTION!!!).
1.1.02016-08-18 20:19
  • Added new options in the configuration of the plugin (in plugin manager of Joomla!).
  • Added support for shipping to address (especially due to possible exports).
  • Many internal changes / fixes and improvment of design in administration and website.
1.0.02016-01-17 19:27

This product is offered COMPLETELY FREE to registered customers and can be found in the Subscriptions section.

As with all other of our extensions we offer online documentation, basic technical support and the extension includes an automatic check for updates.