The plugin overrides native One Page Checkout functionality in VirtueMart.
Main features
- Fully adjustable product list (you can choose and sort columns and rows by yourself)
- We have integrated our own smart solution for monitoring of changes in the case of dependencies between different parts of the cart (the plugin reacts on all internal conditions automatically - weight, amount, price of order, country, zip and more)
- Added check of product properties when customer checkouts and confirms order (In Stock, Purchase Quantity Steps, Minimum / Maximum Purchase Quantity) = no more orders with sold out products (depends on setting in VirtueMart)
- Added feature for insert external modules into the cart page by specific template position (with optional auto-refresh feature if content of modules was changed)
- Added two-way data refresh in Product List and VirtueMart Cart Module (in side panel) if products or prices are changed + fixed bug in VirtueMart Cart Module if cart is empty
- Added Plus / Minus buttons to product quantity with own JS functionality (fully works with step / min / max product configuration)
- Added prevention from submitting an order twice (JavaScript solution)
- Added custom confirmation page (after checkout page) for summary order by customer (confirmation can be turned off in configuration of plugin)
- Support for user registration with the activation option enabled (if order is done, user is registered, but account is inactive)
- Added optional static informational text for Shipment and Payment
- Added functionality for remember values of user fields in address forms if customer leave checkout page and return back later (can be turned off in configuration of plugin)
- Fully Ajax support (all of the features - product quantity, product drop, coupon code, shipment, payment, login/logout, shipping address)
- Clean and simple templates which can be override and customized by native way of Joomla!
- Included separate CSS for page layouts, page themes and additional responsive layouts (CSS can be managed in configuration of plugin)
- Checkout process is still configurable by settings in VirtueMart + own advanced setting in Plugin Configuration (cols configuration in product list, hiding payment / shipment / shipping address / advertise / comment / etc., layouts and themes setting and more)
- Full SSL Support
Common features and properties for all our products
- The extension is free software licenced under the GNU/GPLv3.
- The extension is easy to install through Extension Manager in the Joomla! and works out of the box.
- The extension automatic checks new updates through Extension Manager in the Joomla! (an automatic installation of new versions through Joomla! is not possible for now - it's needed to download and install a new version of the extension manualy).
- No text hardcoded in the program code! We use own language fileS for all texts which can be override and customized by native way of Joomla!.
- No core hacks in the Joomla! code or in the code of other extensions.
- The extension is fully compatible with all our other extensions!
We always test our extensions in the latest stable version of Joomla! and VirtueMart, so we always recommend to continuously update. The extension will probably work as well in older versions (at least the lower versions of this extension), but unfortunately it's not in our power to maintain and test all of our extensions backwards compatible with all historically released versions of Joomla! and VirtueMart.
- Joomla!: 3.10.x
- VirtueMart: 4.0.x, 3.8.x
- PHP: 5.6.x - 8.2.x
Other requirements:
Layouts and Themes
- You can choose from different Layouts (different positions, margins, sizes, etc.) without need of overriding templates. We are still working on new layouts. If you have a good idea for a special layout please contact us.
- You can choose from different Themes (different colors, font styles, icons, etc.). We are still working on new themes for great look of plugin in every website. We are focusing mainly on globaly used VirtueMart themes which we select by popularity. If you have or you know some popular or beautiful themes please contact us.
- We plan to prepare many layouts and themes and you can create unlimited combinations from all of our predefined variants. Try now on our DEMO Websites!
- Preddefined Layouts:
- Vertical (+ One Column variant) - Recomended for narrow and long pages
- Horizontal with panel (coupon, shipment, payment, comment) on the left / right side - Recomended for wide pages
- Preddefined Themes:
- Joomla 2.5 Beez + VirtueMart 2.0 Default - Recomended for testing purpose or for extending of the simple theme CSS
- MoWebSo: Shoplicious - The design is inspired by the theme Shoplicious created by MoWebSo (external link)
- Note: The visual aspect is purely a private matter and using custom CSS styles can modify the look as you please. In the case of higher requirements on design is always possible to use the functionality in Joomla! CMS that allows you to override the default template of the plugin.
Public websites for free testing of our extensions. The DEMO PANEL, which is placed on the websites, contains useful information and some of options from the configuration of our extensions to adjust their behavior.